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Hard core in a sentence

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Sentence count:36+1Posted:2017-05-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hardcorehard copyhard cheesehardware storecard-carryingcorescorescoresMeaning: n. the most dedicated and intensely loyal nucleus of a group or movement hard-core. adj. 1. stubbornly resistant to change or improvement 2. intensely loyal 3. extremely explicit. 
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31. The command control data processing computer is the data processing center of the command and control system and the hard core of the command and control system, which is very important.
32. Would I recommend it for hard core gamers, no, not really.
33. The same occurs with hard core and blue porn : the sexual organ, whether erect or open wide is just another sign in the hypersexual panoply. Phallus-design.
34. We hard core "Bangers" know that this could only be achieved with the assistance of some libation as Raj can't bring himself to speak in front of a female without the aid of alcohol.
35. In our model the inter-segmental interactions included the hard core volume effect, longer ranged attractive part and the local stiffness potential.
36. What are the Problem Area and Hard Core Assumptions of Strategic Management Theory?
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